Saturday, November 01, 2008
Halloween 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Landings of Tribulation
Although this is not too terribly good, it is one that I got as we were preparing to come in for a landing. The daytime on the way home were much better and you will be seeing some of those in the days to come.
Reincarnation Tribulations
Your result for Reincarnation Placement Exam...
65% Intrigue, 63% Civilization, 76% Humanity, 30% Urbanization.
Live well, ride fast, and die young, baby!
Well, you turned out to be something of a rogue. This may not be exactly the life you wanted... but it's difficult to place people who want to enjoy all the romance and intrigue of civilization, without actually having a demanding job. Besides, since you enjoy the benefits of humanity so much more than you enjoy the press of humanity itself... you shouldn't have much trouble with your role in life. As long as you aren't afraid of danger there's a place for you in society, even if it's a rather dark and wicked place. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to fulfill the role of a spy.
The good news: You're free and clever, and you can do whatever the heck you want. The bad news: everybody else is free and clever too, and they're not all on your side.
With the flick of a blade, you can change the course of history. Might be fun. Might be a little messy.
Take Reincarnation Placement Exam at HelloQuizzy
As seen at One Happy Dog.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Summer's Tribulations
Of course you all know that Pan's boss died in a motorcycle accident at the end of June and we had that to deal with and the worry about whether Pan would even have a job. That has worked out quite well. Then we ended up with the kids more than I expected (not that I'm complaining, yet, LOL). And Pan ended up out of town more than a few times.
In August we took a trip to Las Vegas (my birthday present from Pan) to see the Star Trek Experience. Good thing too, since they closed it September 1. While we enjoyed ourselves it was disappointing to find all the shops but one on the promonade closed and that one didn't have much of anything.
In order to plan for that time off, I had to work more. Still more when we got back because it was the end of the month.
Pan's sister, who we haven't seen, came into town and we spend the weekend with her and Pan's parents. I also stopped by my sister's and picked up an old photo album to scan.
You know writing it down, doesn't sound like I did a lot, but it sure seemed busy and full while I was doing it :)
Monday, September 01, 2008
Laboring on Staying Safe
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
It is Tink's Birthday...

Wasn't she a cute baby???
Monday, August 04, 2008
Happy Birthday Bugaboo
This is the same child that dumped out an entire bottle of my perfume (it was a gift from a 1st grade class) on her head. Who would peek out her bedroom window when I was coming home from a date and say "I see you." Who thought you used golf balls to take out the overpopulation of squirrels and tennis balls to keep the human population to a minimum.
So dear sister, HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me, Pan, Bombshell, The Princess, Indy, Scamp, Honey, Ballerina and Nuke.

Sunday, August 03, 2008
Color My Tribulations
Oh, did I mention that I bought a new scanner? I did. Now all I have to do is organize all the pictures around the house, LOL.

Saturday, August 02, 2008
Challenging Desktop Tribulations
Just to update though, we are all doing fine. Pan is still working, but traveling a lot more these days and working weekends (as he is doing now. Thank goodness he has an office here at home or I would never be seeing him, LOL). We celebrated our 19th anniversary. The daughter has been working overtime as the girl she was training as manager came down with mono. This means we have had the kids a lot more than we expected.
Pan had already paid for first class tickets and hotel reservations prior to everything happening so we are still headed to Las Vegas at the end of the month.

Stars & Stripes ©Connie Prince and Lynne Simmons; Stitching ©She's Full of Scrap; Template by Misty Cato; font: Birth of a Hero
Friday, August 01, 2008
Tribulations of a Mind Lost
Anyway, Pan if you are reading here is the card I made especially for you and forgot to print out.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Happy Anniversary
But I guess you are wondering about the title. Today marks 19 years of a glorious honeymoon that Pan and I have traveled together. It seems to be such a short time of space, but as I think back, I cannot with great clarity recall what it was like before. I think it is safe to say that I absolutely adore the man I married. More than Love (which I do love him), I count him as my best friend, my confidant, my shoulder to lean on and my sounding board. I happen to also LIKE him. Thank you, Pan, for this wonderful honeymoon of a marriage and I am looking forward to many more years together.

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Lyrical Tribulations

Saturday, July 19, 2008
People, Places & Tribulations
See pictures of interesting people you've snapped during your travels.

Friday, July 18, 2008
A Tribulation of Weird
I may have actually posted on this before, but then again I may not have. The strangest, scariest and weirdest thing I have ever seen in a person, was in Pan.
We had just gotten back from our honeymoon in Gulf Shores and were settling into new roles as husband and wife. Things were definitely on the up-side. I loved him, the kids loved him, my dad thought his was darn near perfect.
But then that night. If I try real hard, I might be able to conjure up the sounds of thunder in the background with flashes of lightning bolts piercing the nearly shut curtains. Okay that was a lot of rubble, in fact it was just a hot, muggy night.
We had full wave waterbed and I was awakened this particular night with waves showing their white tops. My eyes peel open to see Pan jumping up and down on the bed brandishing a machete. OH, MY, WORD. Who did I actually marry?
While still terrified myself, I was able to get the bottom of the story.... Seems Pan is afraid of cockroaches and one crawled across or near him and he was going to make it suffer.
I hid the machete the next day.

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Road Food Frenzy & Tribulation
I usually pick up pretzel logs and potato chips. They are fairly easy to contain and not get everywhere, nor make a sticky mess if some do end up in the seats or the floor. Personally I like fruit or veggies with dressing, but that is just too much to worry about. So I guess the pretzels and chips will have to do for a while. :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
A Mouse, an Engine & a Tribulation
Way back in 1973-1974, I think it was probably '74, I was driving my sister and a friend of hers around the thrift shop on the base. I was so proud of myself, having a license and having parents who trusted me with the car.
There was the usual chitchat that teens seem to have in abundance, but I was still keeping my eye on the road (I really didn't want to betray that trust); when what to my wandering eyes should appear but a tiny grey field mouse in the wiper well. He put his tiny little paws on the window and he looked terrified to death. I guess if I was that small and I was on some huge machine going the speed of light (we were doing 35 mph, but he's small remember), I would look pretty terrified myself. As I said we were in the neighborhood of the thrift shop, so we pulled into the vacant lot and popped the lid.
As we were checking diligently for this grey furball of a pest, a young AP showed up to ask us what we were doing. I don't think he believed us when we said that we were looking for a mouse in the engine and probably was wondering what we had been smoking, when our little friend decided to make another appearance. There was one started AP that day, as well as 3 startled teens. We did manage to get him out of the car before we started up again.
I was holding my breath though. For all I knew he could have been a key component of the engine block.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Tribulations of Flying
Does "Where's the plane?" mean anything to you? I love to fly. Looking out the window or curling up and sleeping. Pan usually takes his laptop and we take along some movies or series that we can watch so we aren't dependent upon what they are showing (which is usually something we don't want to watch anyway). Or taking the time to read a good book.
The only time it is a real let down is when we are placed in an area full of children. Don't get me wrong, I think children have every right to be on the plane as the next person, but when they sell the tickets you would think they could figure out when people have children and which don't. I have the same beef with restaurants. In fact, just recently, Pan and I went out and they placed us at table in the middle of families with tons of children. If they had been well-behaved it would have been okay, but they weren't and the parents were to busy in their conversations to notice. I went up to the hostess and explained that Pan and I had come out to have a nice quiet dinner and to be away from children, could they please set up elsewhere.
And speaking of restaurants another pet peeve is when they let kids sit in the bar area. Seems to me, this should be reserved for adults, unless the restaurant is soooo busy they don't have anything else available. Most times though it is because the parents want to watch the game on the tv. If that is the case.... stay home or go to a sports bar where there are televisions all over the place. We would never consider asking for a table in the bar area if we have The Princess or Indy with us. Okay enough of my rant. I'll continue it at some other time. :)

Monday, July 14, 2008
Daily sights, sounds & tribulations
Sunday: Waking up and seeing the sun streaming through the skylight above me; maybe a dog or two barking in the background.
Monday: Closing my eyes to the sight of the paper strewn around the house by Indy and kfkap. The garbage trucks are moving through the neighbor with the whir of their arms extending and retrieving the trash cans.
Tuesday: Alarm clock at 6:30 a.m. reminding me I have to go to work. Water bottle, purse and several checks looking to make sure I have two sets of keys.
Wednesday: A bounce on my back and a lick on my eyelid is enough to get me into the kitchen to look at the cat food. Major purring going on.
Thursday: Repeat of Tuesday.
Friday: Repeat of Wednesday
Saturday: 7:30 alarm clock call and a quick look into the fridge before the kids get here to make sure I have something to feed them.

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Princess
Happy Birthday, Honey.
Hope you enjoy your special day.
Love, Pan & Tink

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Some Days Are Just Better Than Tribulations

The rules of the award are:
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you've nominated
vw bug: My real life sister and fellow blogger who got me started in this.
Mrs. Who: One of my southern comforts can write what I feel and is a teacher extraordinaire.
Glynis: My companion in prompting and special web-friend who hales from my place of birth.
Loonyhiker: My other companion in prompting and a very special retired teacher.
ArtcTrish: My other southern comfort who is talented in so many ways.
Tammy: Didn’t you know southern comforts come in 3? Tammy is a transplanted southerner; but you wouldn’t know it, she fits in so well.
Simply Yin: And some friends are half a world away. Yin is one of those very special friends who is an inspiration in her blogging and scrapping.
Summer Tribulations
Well, I think my perfect summer day is going to be this Sunday when we celebrate the Princess' 9th birthday. Did I just say 9? Whoa, where has time gone? Seems just yesterday she was telling me that she didn't want to be 5 years old.
Okay, that was off track. The perfect day is going to have the daughter, The Princess, Indy, Pan and myself with a group of The Princess' friends and their parents at the pool. We have the pavilion reserved so it will be set up with celebratory tablecloths, streamers and food all of the hungry yung'uns after their playtime in the pool. It has been so hot that even I will enjoy my forays into the delicious blue liquid.
Maybe I'll get a head start and go to the pool on Friday all by my lonesome, LOL
But then spending the day on the 4th at my sister's was pretty perfect for a summer day too.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Unexpected Twists & Tribulations
I like most books, just about all, in fact. Although I prefer those with unexpected endings like "Colossus" trilogy which they ended up making a movie about. Okay they only made it based on the first one, but still it was the first one that had the unexpected. I prefer happy endings as long as it is in line with the book, but can deal with those that have less than happy endings, such as "Gone with the Wind." I guess it is just the raw power Scarlett exudes that makes you know everything is going to come out right, even if it isn't in the book. I like books that make me think but are still entertaining. And I love science fiction and fantasy for a quick get away from reality. I enjoy some horror books but I am not into the slasher type books or movies. Again it just boils down to being entertained. If I can read it without being bored, then it has may seal of approval. :)

Monday, July 07, 2008
One Word of Tribualtion
LIVE. Take time to enjoy the present not dwell on past mistakes or what the future may bring. As the last couple of weeks have shown me, you just never know what is around the corner.
Now if I could just take my own advice. While we are all getting over the shock, the reality is starting to set in. Reality in the guise of employment. Hopefully this week will prepare us for what the future may hold in store.

Saturday, July 05, 2008
Camera Hunt Tribulations
1. A Kiss (Indy gives The Princess a kiss after her recital)
2. Crazy Hair (sometimes I wonder what gets into my daughter to do this to her son, but it does look cute on him and reflects his personality.)
3. Ice Cream (okay, so the kids finished their bowls of ice cream before I could get the picture, but here is a bowl as proof there was some)
4. Water Fun (while at Bear & ddpup's, the kids had a grand time in the sprinkler)
5. Silliness (still at Bear & ddpup's, there is nothing like a good wrestle in the grass)
6. Shape: Cube (Indy swipes the cat's cube and crawls in it himself)
7. Color: Pink (more from ddpup's, one of her pink daisies that among all her other butterfly flowers. This one was taken over by bees)
8. Picture of your house or home (it was a real icky day when this one was taken but look... the grass is still green)

Friday, July 04, 2008
A Day of Freedom
The physical, mental, and spiritual experiences that constitute existence.
a. The condition of being free from restriction or control.
b. The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing.
c. The condition of being physically and legally free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor.
And the pursuit of happiness.
To have the right to choose my destiny as long as it does not infringe on another.

Thursday, July 03, 2008
Tribulations of a Beautiful Woman
As I think back to the 3rd of July (since this is being written on the 12th in actuality) and stare into the mirror, I see thin, almost none existent lips, cheek bones most women would die for, eyebrows trying merge back into the unibrow it wants to be, shiny lustrous hair and tired eyes from all that has occurred in this past month.
But behind the tired eyes is a woman who has a twinkle in those eyes, a ready smile and genial laughter just waiting to be released. Especially upon seeing the photo below.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
War of the Tribulations
I'm not sure how I feel about little green men flying around and watching us; but I can't imagine being the only planet with life on it either. To paraphrase Carl Sagan "It would be awfully lonely." Maybe one day we will find that life.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Spontaneous Tribulations
I may have to think on that one for some time. I'm not a very spontaneous type of person. Ahh, I think I have one.
It was when I had my ears pierced. I never wanted them pierced and still don't wear earrings much these days. But I was in my late 20's/early 30's when my ex and I had been quarreling. I went to the mall just to calm my nerves when I saw they were giving away free earrings with a $10 piercing. I don't know what came over me, but I just walked up and had it done. I still can't believe I did it, what with my fear of needles and such (in my mind, posts and hooks still represent needles). But there you have it, I did it and it was very spur of the moment.

Monday, June 30, 2008
A Week of Devastating Tribulations
It has been a week of devastating information; some of which ended up good; one which did not.
Several weeks ago, my doctor thought I had developed a rare form of skin cancer under my toenail. I had to have half the nail taken off and biopsied. I was not to concerned until the 10 days had passed and I called her assistant to verify that it wasn't. The lab had called the day before and said they needed to know where on my toe the sample came from. Come on people, either it is cancerous or it is not. So I had another day of waiting, this time in abject terror. But it came out well for me. It was a bruise.
Then last Wednesday, my daughter's best friend had to have surgery for a cancerous tumor on her thyroid. Their prognosis after the surgery.... They didn't think she would have to undergo radiation therapy. Jumping up and down for joy. Another good piece of news.
But that night or actually the next morning around 4/4:30ish, Pan received a call from his office. His boss had been in a fatal motorcycle accident and had died. We were all in shock. I guess we still are. He was a wonderful man who would scimp to save a penny; but with a heart as big as Texas when you needed anything, including money. His laugh was infectious and when he did laugh his face would turn a bright beet red. He is sorely missed by all who had the opportunity to know him.
He was on his way home from a late night at the office when as far as anyone can tell, a truck made a u-turn in front of him. He went sailing over the shield and hit the left rear panel of the truck. It is being investigated as a vehicular homicide although it is not clear yet if it was.
While I would be the first to advocate the wearing of helmets while riding a motorcycle, he would not. And to be honest, I really don't think in this occasion it would have been of any use. But please be safe, wear a helmet if you are going to be riding a motorcyle. Not everyone is as considerate of them as I always try to be.
And while we mourn his death, we also have to wonder what the future is going to bring for us and the other 200+ employees he has. It was his desire that the company continue and this past week his wife and employees have done all to make sure that it went on business as usual. His wife wants to honor his request and as long as others involved agree, 200+ people will continue to be employed.
But if I don't post much in the next week or so, we are going to be pretty busy around here.

Sunday, June 29, 2008
A Wish and a Tribulation

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Waiting for My Tribulation
But as cute as the little girls were, it was delightful to see the young prince amongst the colorful flowers as they danced around him. He is a very talented dancer but sometimes from his deadpan expression you couldn't help but wondering if he was doing it because he wanted to or because he was told to. No matter which way it was I enjoyed watching him dance.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
A Talentless Tribulation
If one is to say I have talent, then I must have gotten it from my parents. Dad could paint and draw. Mom could cook and sew. Now those are talents. I know my sisters inherited the talent gene but in my case it just slipped right on by and into the next generation. My kids got all the talent. Go figure.
As for me, I will admit I am crafty, scrapbooking, cross stitching (or just about any needlework). But those all use a pattern of sorts be it an actual pattern or a template (for which I am a notorious user). All of which I will make minor changes to suit what I am endeavoring to project. And photography, which I'm still a'learnin'.
Yep, talent is a whole different genre and breed. A breed of which I am not a part of. Does that make me feel left out? Sometimes, maybe. Most times, no. I plug along doing the best I can. Sometimes it will work, sometimes not.
Just call me Crafty.

Monday, June 23, 2008
Crying Over My Tribulations
As Glynis said: maybe it should have read what doesn't make you cry. :)
Afterthought: In reading Glynis' post while getting her url, it made me remember the firsts: the first day of school, the first sleep over, the first time going to camp. But mostly the first time I drove the boys to the bus for boot camp. I'm not a crier. Not publicly and the boys, of course, know this. I kept up the cheerful demeanor until they were safely on the bus and on their way. But on the way back home the tears fell. For letting them spread their wings, for wondering what life was going to bring (this was pre-9/11) and for wondering if they felt I didn't care because I didn't cry.
Now back to our regularly scheduled post:
For starters though, it is watching my children and grandchildren grow from year to year. First there are the tears of sadness for what is going to be left behind, then come the tears of joy for what is to follow.
I find tears of anger for cruelty to children; seeing parents struggle to make ends meet and failing; for the bigotry, prejudice and injustice that seems to be a part of the human race.
Tears for our military men and women who face adversity throughout their days. Poems and stories about their heroics will always bring a deluge of tears.
But then there are the tears of laughter, the belly-cramping, knee slapping laughter that seems to permeate throughout your body. Especially when it is at a young child who doesn't realize what they have said.
And then there is music. The kind that wrenches at your soul. That enters each and every pore of your body and lifts you to heights that you didn't think you could attain. Music like in the YouTube video below.
Update: Tammy of Personalized Creations sent me a link to Neal Boyd's video. Another must hear.

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Reminiscing & Tribulations
With so many days that are just as equally important in my mind, finding one that stands out above the rest is going to be difficult. But some are just a tad more memorable than the others due to unusual circumstances.
Therefore I will focus on my marriage to Pan. Background is important. I had purchased the Italian silk for my dress, ordered the cake, my headpiece and flower bouquet, purchased he flowers and patterns for the maid of honor’s and bridesmaid dresses, set up the time to have the wedding at sea, printed out the invitations and purchased the food for the reception.
Several weeks before the wedding, the matron of honor couldn’t find the pattern in her size so wore a tea dress instead in the colors of the maid of honor and bridesmaid dresses (one was pink; the other lavender). A week before the wedding, the ship was dry docked in Biloxi (several hundred miles from us) and the woman making my flower bouquet didn’t have it started. We had to find another place for the wedding. Luckily for us a friend of mine’s parents lived in a condo that had a ballroom we could use. I ended up buying silk flowers and a lace face and to make my own bouquet. Nothing more could go wrong, right? Well nothing major did.
Sunday morning came and we all drove up to the condo to start getting ready when we learned the guy that was going to film our marriage forgot the camera; same for the person photographing it. Thank goodness that most of the guests brought cameras or I wouldn’t have any pictures at all.
Finally the music, You’re My Inspiration by Chicago, begins to play, signaling that everything is in place and that I need to start my walk to podium. All of a sudden my garter falls to my ankle just as we step outside the door. Trying to be discreet, I gently kick my foot and it goes sailing off and lands in the lap of one of my parents’ neighbors. And this is just the beginning.
Standing before the notary (who was the same gentleman who got us the ballroom), Pan and I could not help but notice that he could not keep his eyes off my well-endowed bosom. I looked at Pan and as he looked at me I could see a mischievous twinkle in his eyes which sent me into peals of laughter. Fifteen minutes later we were finally husband and wife. And off to his parents’ home for the reception.
One would think that the reception would be a breeze after everything we had gone through already. And it was … and so much fun. Pan’s dad ordered to much champagne, I shot Pan’s boss in the head with a dart gun that was aimed at his sister and when we were on our way out and the birdseed started flying, Pan pulled a water gun uzi out of his jacket and started shooting the guests.
Yes, a very memorable event.

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Children have the Nuttiest Tribulations
Photography Challenge: This month's challenge is to take a photo of a child doing something nutty. Do they have a funny face they love to make, stand on their heads, or have a out there hair due?I think I caught it all on this one, except, of course the standing on the head. And now for the whole story. Indy was sitting on the Princess' lap, all excited about his birthday cake with Spiderman atop it. Waiting anxiously for mommy to light the candles, he couldn't take his eyes off it. Mommy comes up behind him and pushes his face into the cake. He wore that icing on his face and mouth for hours as a badge of honor.

Friday, June 20, 2008
A Tribulation for Grandparents

Thursday, June 19, 2008
59 years of tribulations?
No tribulations here. Okay maybe a few minor ones along the way, but here is what I would write to Pan 30+ years hence.
Dear Pan,
How many years have passed since we have said "I do?" 59 at last reckoning. It does not seem that long, but I can't recall any other life with as great a clarity.
It has been a life filled with wonder, joy and our own tribulations. But we got through them together, didn't we? And when we first married you promised a lifelong honeymoon, and dearest, you have not failed in providing me one.
It has been fun seeing the grey slowly appearing in your beard and hair, but before you go off on a rampage, it has only served to make you more distinguished.
I am one lucky woman to be able to wake up next to you each morning and lie down with you each night. You are my soul mate; my safety line in life's raging storm.
Thank you, darling, for all the years we had and all the years to follow.
All my love, Tink

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Letters, Daughters & Tribulations
Since my daughter had the first child in the family I made this one for her. I may go back and write a letter to Scamp on the birth of the Ballerina, too.
Has time every flown since the day I held you in my arms as you are holding your little one today. There are some differences as you are in a comfortable room with the television going while I was in a operating room so to speak.
I do wish I had the letter my mother wrote me upon your brother's birth so that I could pass along her wisdom to you as she passed it along to me. But the one thing I remember above all was her explaining that at some point I was really going to hate my child. Is that ever an eye opener. She went on to say, that the feeling itself is not wrong, but how we act upon it can be. When the emotion is upon us we need to step back and take stock of our options and our responsibilities. And to always remember that it was our choice to have children, not theirs.
You are about to embark on a great adventure and I wish you the best of everything.
Love, Mom

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A Child, A Dream, A Tribulation
My dearest children and grandchildren, My only wishes and dreams for each of you is that you find peace within yourself; that your life work be something that inspires you; that you find your soul mate, if that is what you think your future will need. I hope that the values and virtues I have tried to instill will continue to nurture you and help you find your way. Although I do hope you have happiness, I do not include it in my dream for you, as strength & character are built from adversity & we all know adversity does not usually inspire happiness. Dream on my loved ones and reach for the stars.

Monday, June 16, 2008
A Room by Room Tribulation
So many years, so many houses. Where does one start or yet, should it be where does one end? The end is most familiar. It is where I spend my days now as I have for the past.. has it been nearly 20 years now? I guess it has.Other memories of the house include what seems to be the biggest backyard ever. It was a duplex and had a carport. My baby sister’s room was the front bedroom with a bathroom. At least for a while. I don’t remember my parents’ room at all. I do remember almost setting a shirt on fire when I laid it over a lamp and then left the room forgetting all about it. I remember most clearly the trouble I was in after mom called the fire department.
But what of those other houses, those transient homes from which we flitted from year to year. Some I think I can recall clearly, others almost nothing at all.
My childish sketch of a long ago house is far from accurate, but I do think the placement of the rooms is. I can recall that my sister and I shared the bedroom next to the living room. And I remember the closet by the front door, especially since we were caught reading magazines we shouldn’t have been.
It seems the kitchen was sparse, but that could a result of my being small. The living/dining room(?) I remember as having a picture window. And I recall laying upon a giant stuffed bear watching Batman and the Flintstones or sitting at the table playing games with mom and dad. Usually mom.
This was the home of most of my childhood illnesses. Maybe that is why I like to think I got it mostly right.

Sunday, June 15, 2008
A Desktop of Tribulations

Saturday, June 14, 2008
A' Huntin' a Tribulation

Friday, June 13, 2008
Handy Tribulations
What strength lies in the hands of my mother. Having given birth to three daughters, holding each with the delicacy of a flower. Raising them to be responsible adults while never raising her hand in anger.
Over the years those hands have held me, nursed me back to health, pointed the way I should follow. They were held out to me as a safety line in which to return to the comfort of her arms.
Those hands may have aged and wrinkled, much the same way my own hands have done, but I will forever see the strength they hold.

Thursday, June 12, 2008
An Announcement of Births or Tribulations
Guess I should have posed this question to my mother while asking for stories, but didn't think about it. I don't know when it became popular to send out notices of births. I haven't seen one for me, but that doesn't mean it didn't exist at one time. And even if I didn't, I made my own, LOL