Friday, August 01, 2008

Tribulations of a Mind Lost

Yep, I have truly lost it. My mind left for LV without me and I won't be joining it for another several weeks. I had totally forgot that I had made a very special card for Pan for our anniversary. Totally.... Forgot....

Anyway, Pan if you are reading here is the card I made especially for you and forgot to print out.

Color Revolution 'Ravishing in Red' ©Connie Prince; sketch by Becky Fleck; Font: LoveLight


Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

OMGosh Tink!!! It's GORGEOUS and you are NOT going to believe this! I was brainstorming for a few other things to add to my LONG-RUNNING wedding kit and jotted down, BELIEVE, FOLLOW YOUR HEART, MY PRINCE CHARMING ... and ... FOREVER and ALWAYS!!!

See girl, we stay connected no matter how long the other is away!

Hope you two LOVEBIRDS had a SWEET evening together in CELEBRATION of your MANY years together.

Linda :)

Yin said...

Totally beautiful card!