Monday, February 26, 2007

Star Wars, Legos & Tribulations

Any guesses as to what I have been up to lately? Yep, that's right. Entertaining Indy with Legos Star Wars. That and a gazillion other things, like working, babysitting, buying a new garbage disposal, buying a new kitchen faucet and supervising the replacement of the same. Taking it step by step, I won't end up with the kitchen of my dreams but something I will like a whole lot.

Even in the midst of writing this Indy came in and drug me away to play Legos SW with him. Luckily right now Dora the Explorer is on and has grabbed his attention, giving me just a moment or two.

Nuke is coming down this weekend to take the Princess to a Ren Fair. She has never been but it has been a trial trying to figure out who had her princess dress that we spent bocoodles of money on at Disney World. Turns out her other grands had it and they returned it last night. Finally, after what, 4 months of trying to get it back. Oh well..... Will be an interesting week after all.

Just wish I had some cute quips or tall tales to leave you with. Later this week, maybe. Maybe I just see what the past week of blog prompts were and do somthing on them, don't you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Must remember to post about the phone calls I have been getting... ;-)