Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Tribulation to Success

Thursday 4/26 Blog Prompt: Great job on the poetry yesterday, ladies Today's is....What is your definition of 'success'? Do you know any 'successful' people who inspire you?

suc·cess (sƏk-sĕs)
n. 1. The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted

I guess by this definition I am pretty darn successful. There are few things that I have attempted that I have not achieved. I have a successful marriage; a successful relationship with my children; successful careers, etc.

And those that have helped make the above so successful are the ones who inspired me to achieve those goals: Pan, my children, my parents, my sisters (and their families) and my grandchildren; with a smathering of friends thrown in for good measure.


Tammy said...

Success is a group effort, isn't it

loonyhiker said...

You are sucessful in my book! I'm so glad you have a great family!