Monday, April 16, 2007

A Caveful of Crystal Tribuations

Monday 4/16 Blog Prompt: Since we haven't done a reading prompt in awhile, let's talk about books (one of my most favorite topics!). Are you currently reading anything that you'd recommend? Or maybe you have an old favorite that you recommend to everyone.

Okay so I was getting a little silly with a title. But I am currently re-reading " The Crystal Cave" by Mary Stewart. I also realized today that I cannot find the second book "The Hollow Hills," I found the third and fourth books though. Still it just wouldn't be the same if I couldn't read them in order.

I have always loved The Crystal Cave and the research she put into her book on Merlin. He loses none of his mystique by being portrayed as a man instead of a magician. Well, okay, he has visions, but many people throughout history have. You can relate to him as a person; one who has had a difficult childhood and amazing adult life being a counsellor to kings.

I have always been an Authurian fanatic; having read just about all the books about King Arthur I could find; but I have that Mary Stewart has put the stories into a more realistic light. After reading the Crystal Cave you just don't look at Merlin the same way anymore.


Toni said...

Sounds really interesting, I'll have to add that series to my list.

heather said...

Sounds interesting, and it's a fascinating time in history for sure.

Glynis said...

I love those sorts of books...I'm making a list of things to read over the summer--these are going on the top!

Stephani said...

I am adding this to my list as well. I am looking for something new and exciting to read. This series sounds grreat! TFS!

Tammy said...

Sounds very interesting.

*love2scrap* said...

I'm an Arthur fan, as well! I have read many different versions and I don't remember reading hers. Maybe.

Beachcomber said...

That sounds interesting. I will have to add that to my list.

Anonymous said...

Have you read any of her non-Authurian books Tink? I find her a great read and she usually has her stories set in interesting locations. She paints local colour wirh words brilliantly.

Anonymous said...

I loved those books...I'm going to put that series on my summer reading list. But the new Harry Potter will take precedence over that when it comes out.