Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Enjoying Tribulations?

Wed 12/20 Blog Prompt: Fill in the blank and then tell us about it.

I enjoy sleeping now, but if anyone had told me that years ago, I would never have believed them.

I never have liked to sleep. Afraid I was going to miss something. I still feel that way now from time to time, but I sure do enjoy crawling into bed, snuggling under the covers and drifting off to sleep.

Photo from Hawaii:
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Here Scamp husks a coconut.
He actually came in first on
this one. So now whenever I
need a coconut husked I know
who to call on.


Anonymous said...

ooooo, good one! Didn't think of naps!

Anonymous said...

I have AlWAYS enjoyed my naps. I can remember being in jr high and high school and my friends being mad because I had to take a nap as soon as I got home from school!

Anonymous said...

hmmmm... sleep?!?!?! I can't say that's something I enjoy - maybe sleeping in, I just don't like going to bed.

Anonymous said...

Oh sleep! It's always been one of my favorite things to do and now that I don't get any, I REALLY love it!!

I think my son is like you - - he doesn't sleep because he's afraid of what he might miss!

loonyhiker said...

I love sleeping but just can't find the time to do it. Luckily I don't need more than 6 hours of sleep.

heather said...

Sleeping - that's a good one. I could have written an exact opposite post - never thought I could survive on less than 8 hours, but find I can and do when I have to!