Tue 6/30 Blog Prompt: Weave a story around a 60-year old photograph. ~creative writing prompts
It was the 1940’s and the children were anxious to be off to the beach once again. Brother and sister sitting side by side taking in the abundance of beach and sea life that surrounded them. I wonder if they thought anything of the people strolling along the pier with their fishing poles and tackle. I wonder if they ever considered that one day they would be the ones strolling along the pier with their own fishing poles and tackle. Especially the little boy.
As the tiny waves crash against their feet, they hear their mother’s voice calling them to lunch. They decide to ignore her in favor of the shells they have found. One of which contains a tiny hermit crab, desperately trying to make his escape. Food seems to be the last thing on their minds as they hamper the crab’s path to freedom.
Mother makes her way over to rescue the crab and bring the children to the blanket for sandwiches and lemonade. Too soon, after lunch it is time to pack up and head back home to dream about another day at the beach.
(The picture is of my father and aunt near the Pensacola Beach Pier. Although rebuilt after hurricanes, the pier is still standing)