Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Childish Tribulations

Wed 5/30 Blog Prompt: If you could be child for one day, how old would you be and what would you do?

Are we talking here about chosing an age for one day and living in the present or having chosen an age, time would be as it was when we were that age?

If I could be a child for one day but had to live in the present, I think I would pass. I know each generation has their problems but this one seems to have them in excess. The Princess' doctor and I concur that no 6 year old should have the stress thrust upon children these day to compete academically, physically and emotionally. They should have time to relax, play make-believe and compete with one another in areas that are important to them.

But if we are talking about reliving a favored childhood memory, well then there are a lot I would choose. Only one, huh?

Then in that case I would pick to be 7 again. Only it would be early night, not during the day. Mom, my sister and I would be in the front yard, sitting or laying on the grass looking at the stars. Mom would be pointing them out and we would try to guess which constellation they were.


Anonymous said...

A magical memopry TInk. I guess the only reason I would pick to go back in time and be a child again for one day would be that my parents would be alive again.

Anonymous said...

I just wouldn't want to be a child again. I hated being too small to reach stuff :-)