Sunday, October 14, 2012

A home away two

Continued from yesterday:
The house in Arkansas is the one I remember the best. I don't know why. Maybe because until dad retired it was the one place we lived the longest. It is also the house in which I had the chicken pox, measles and mumps. All the childhood diseases. We got the best Barbie furniture and clothes ever while living here. Mom made everything. The clothes with wonderful detail and dressed with loads of lace. Furniture made out of milk cartons and beer cans. It was padded and upholstered and no one in the world had a matching set.
There was teen club across the street where my friends and I would play. Behind it would be broken bottles of varying colors that we would gather, pretending they were exotic gems. There was also a chimney back there with a few bricks that were loose. We would remove the brick, put in our gems and replace it. We definitely had some good times.
To be continued

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