Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Till Next Time Tribulations

Good-bye is the DSP blog prompt of the day. I know I have had my share.

I am not a cry in your face good-byer; but if it is one of my children as soon as I am out of sight the tears start. Then I have to find someplace to be alone for a long, long time.

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ScampMarine leaving

I have had to say good-bye to both of my boys when they left for boot camp. Then when they were both transferred to West Pac. Scamp spent his first couple of years in Okinawa; while Nuke was stationed in Hawaii aboard a nuclear submarine. Now Nuke is Guam and Scamp is in Hawaii. Fortunately for me, both boys do keep in touch.

I have only had to say good-bye permanently to one person who meant the world to me and I do not relish the idea that I may have to do it again. vw bug and I lost our father two years ago and I still won't say good-bye. I know he is here.


loonyhiker said...

I have never had to say goodbye to sons who have gone in the service but I can only imagine how hard that was for you. Please let them know that I truly thank them from the bottom of my heart for all that they do for our country and the sacrifices they make every day for me to be free!

faery-wings said...

Lots of blessings of thanks and protection to your boys.
I can't imagine having to say good by to either of my kids.

ArtcTrish said...

Wow...this one really tugged at my heart dh is a gulf war vet...I can only imagine how mu mil felt when he left...great post!