Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Nature's tribulations

Wednesday’s Blog Prompt: “What is the neatest thing you have ever seen in nature or made by nature?" suggested by ArtcMom

I can’t really think of one particular thing that I have seen in nature or made by nature that is the “neatest.” Sunsets on the boat come to mind first, but then there is the Grand Canyon, Red Wood Forest and Garden Spiders.

Then there was the time when I lived on the edge of the Black Water Reservation and had to take care of a baby deer for a short while. Guess the ranger figured since I had a baby already one more wouldn’t hurt. Then there was the time at Bok Towers in Florida, where the animals would just come up to you. How neat is that?

The beaches and autumns in Massachusettes. Or the caverns in Illinois and Missouri. Lake Tahoe in California. How about the Petrified Forest? Maybe the white sand Beaches of Florida. The rice paddies of China and the man-made carvings of the side of a hill in Hong Kong.

No, there is just not one thing I could point to and say “that is the neatest thing I have seen made by nature.”

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