Thursday, April 03, 2008

Famous Tribulations

Thurs 4/3 Blog Prompt: Is there someone famous and living today that you find particularly interesting?

Well, I guess most of you would automatically think of some scientist and you would probably be right, except every now and then someone sparks an interest. Lately that someone has been..... Can you guess? No? Maybe I should just wait until tomorrow to post it. Okay I won't be that cruel, but you will have to look for it (maybe below the layout....)

Doodles (c)She's Full of Scrap; Font: Edwardian Script

Okay, I would like to meet Johnny Depp. The man just amazes me. He is a fantastic actor who appears to really bring life to his characters. And I love how he manages to keep his personal life personal. He, of course, has his opinions (some of which I don't agree with, so what) but he doesn't go around yelling them at everyone. He reminds me so much of actors like Cary Grant, who did a job the best they could because, after all, we were paying to see quality work.


Mrs. Who said...

I like Johnny Depp for many of the same reasons. He's oh-so talented.

And smooch-a-lishous, too.

*love2scrap* said...

ditto... I was just telling someone that he is not afraid to be someone quirky and different and weird and eccentric... to push the role. to do it better than anyone else! he is .... johnny depp!!!