After lunch we met The Princess' aunt (her father's sister), at the NBA restaurant. And back to Islands of Adventure. While Auntie, her beau, The Princess and Pan rode the Hulk, Indy and I took a stroll around Marvel Super Hero Island. As we headed back to the entrance to the Hulk, he decided to see if he would fit in the seats. No, no, no, no.... I was not going to ride the Hulk. Neither was he, he just wanted to know if he would fit. While Auntie, Beau and The Princess went off to try the Dragon Challenge roller coaster, Pan, Indy and I went the Spider-Man ride. Indy swears it is his favorite ride. Now it is heading onto 3 o'clock and we are suppose to meet up with The Princess at the NBA restaurant for dinner, we decided to spend the rest of the time at the Discovery Center in Jurassic Park. Boy, time passes quickly. And now it gets hairy. We promised to buy Indy a gun he saw at the Discovery Center store and I was sure that they had it at the Trading Post. WRONG. I was in so much trouble. Pan took his back to Jurassic Park while I headed to the NBA. I get there first and text everyone. Shortly Auntie, Beau and The Princess show up. Auntie and Beau decide not to join us for dinner as they want to hit more of the rides. And just as they are preparing to leave, the rain hits. As I look out, here come Pan and Indy, running like there's no tomorrow. hahahahahaha.... First dinner, then shopping. The Princess likes shopping and since she could not find a Laker's jersey, she settles for a Laker's t-shirt. We are all exhausted and ready for a dip in the pool and a good night's sleep.