Monday, June 11, 2012

Confident about myself... totally

Wrote this some time ago (like six years) and don't know why it didn't get posted. There are several drafts I need to post, I think.

Tribulations of Indisms

Indiana B has reached that age where he really knows what is going on around him and has really started to articulate.

"Indy what are you doing?" "Nothing" (immediately you know he is up to no good.)
"No, No, No" while shaking his finger at you (just started that one and have just found out he learned it from The Princess.)
Wookie = bear. There is no discussion about this. He will win.
"Robot" means we better be playing Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic game.
When you are handed a sword you had better be prepared to duel.
"Come here" get your rear in gear I have something to show you.
"Eeek spider" BANG. Some sugar ant just bit the dust.
Marty = "Madagascar"
Wild = "The Wild"
Cars = "Cars"
Boot = "Dora Explorer"

kit unknown

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