Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Space Travel

Wed Aug. 5 - Blog Prompt: Today is Neil Armstrong's birthday and do any of you remember the day we landed on the moon back in 1969? What are your views about space travel?

Just like it was yesterday. I had been listening to "Walk Away Renee" by Kenny Rogers when mom, dad and the siblings went next door to watch it on the tellie. Somewhere I even have a picture of myself and sister sitting on the couch waiting for the historic moment.

I have always been interested in the stars and outer space and that was just the most perfect moment to me. I would like to see us continue to fund our space program. The knowledge that we could obtain is priceless.


Tammy said...

Sounds like you remember it just like I did.

loonyhiker said...

For some reason I knew you would remember exactly each detail. I could see you even imagining it was you in that space suit! LOL