Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Tues 10/6 Blog prompt: If you had to choose between yesterday and tomorrow, which would you pick and why?

Today, definitely tomorrow. Unless, of course, something drastic happens, then maybe yesterday. Tomorrow, I may still be sore, bruised and very, very tired. But I won't be stressed about needles. I'm won't be blacking out from having one stuck in me. It's just a phobia. I know. I keep thinking I will get over it, but after 53 years, I guess I won't.


Tammy said...

ugh......Maybe you can skip that day all together.

Glynis said...

Doesn't sound like a fun day...I'm with Tammy, just move on to the day after!

loonyhiker said...

I'm sorry you hate needles. My husband is the same way! I can count on one hand the times he has been stuck by a needle in the 30 years we have been together. I hope "tomorrow" is a better day!