Monday, July 02, 2007

Tribulations and UFOs

Mon 7/2 Blog Prompt: Today is World UFO day. What do you think UFOs are? Do you believe in little green men?

Today Ordinary Days starts leading the blog prompts again and she has started with a doozy.

Well, I think UFOs are exactly that... Unidentified Flying Objects. And no, I don't believe in little green men. But that doesn't mean I don't believe in extraterrestrial life.

I think Jodie Foster expressed it best in "Contact" when she said:

"So if it's just us... It seems like an awful waste of space."


loonyhiker said...

I love the movie Contact! Whenever we go traveling, I like to go to observatories that we find. They usually give free tours and I always think of that movie when we go. I've been to ones in Texas and West Virginia. So, what I'm getting at - if you get visited by an ET, please invite me so I can meet it!

Glynis said...

That was such an interesting movie and I loved that line too.

Anonymous said...

There are no little green men.

They're sort of an off-purple :-)

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly Tink. I always think that it's incredibly arrogant that beings as flawed as us should think that they owned the universe.