Saturday, January 22, 2011

Project 365 Week 3

Day 15

When I got home from Ladies Night this week, I found we had a new addition to our kitchen appliances. Guess Pan figured this was the only way he would get fried foods again.

Day 16

Funny, we don't eat a lot of ice cream but we seem to have more than our share of ice cream scoops (and these are just three of them).

Day 17

Can you guess? If you said a citrus fruit peeler, you would be absolutely correct. I keep forgetting I have it.

Day 18

While digging through one of my kitchen drawers on another day, I came across my shrimp de-veiner. Guess I ought to think about picking up some shrimp soon.

Day 19

Another "Can you guess it?" moment. We use to use it at the table with peas or corn to drain the liquid. It actually is a mint julep strainer.

Day 20

My journal to my middle child and youngest son. I have one for each of my kids that I write in from time to time. I'm hoping they will look fondly upon them when I am no longer here.

Day 21

And just looking at these makes me want to go fix a cup of coffee. My favorite is the espresso with dark magic coming in 2nd.

1 comment:

~BridgetL~ said...

what an awesome gift to your kids. Im sure they will look back on the journals with lots of love.