Sunday, September 05, 2010

Company's coming

Which means I need to get in gear and get my Wii done, before 2 p.m. I have gradually been increasing what I am doing.

I start with the half-moon, sun salutation and warrior poses in yoga. Then I move onto the basic run short, super hoola hoop and basic step. Next comes the basic run long, boxing and rhythm parade. Back to basic run island run. Break for lots of water, then basic step, and either golf or island bike. Then a 20 minute jog around the island to round out the aerobics before I finish with the half-moon, sun salutation and warrior poses as a cool down.

And here is a look at the mighty Mississippi as seen from our room in Vicksburg's newest casino hotel. Pan had to be there for a conference with his company and I just tagged along. We met a lot of interesting people and had a good time even though we don't gamble.

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