Way to accurate for my taste... Thanks Mrs. Who and Bug for making me more paranoid than I already am. :)
Back to the doctor again today, who was first amazed last week that I had an ear infection and even more so this week when it appears the antibiotic and allegra were doing nothing for it and it has gotten worse. I can't even hear out of my left ear at this time. So now we are on antibiotics that cost $21.10 apiece after the insurance and a steroid. Cross your fingers with me that this time it works. :)
Oh friend.... I hope and pray this works for you. Ear infections are sooo painful. I'll send up a prayer for you!
Oh no! I hope you get to feeling better!
I am crossing my fingers that this truly works for you! I had ear infections in both ears after I had bronchitis really bad last year and they tried everything.. finally sudafed ended up being my cure all. Just needed a really strong really good decongestant. Feel better soon!!!
Oddly enough Tink, my brain looks exactly like yours!! Be afreaid!
Seriously though I'm so sorry to hear about hour ear troubles. They can be the worst and seem to affect so many other functions. Hope that you can get on to something that works...and quickly.
Take care.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you. I hope you have a quick & full recovery...I'd say you've suffered enough through this ear infection! Nothing worse than a clogged head, pain, fever & partial deafness.
Oh Tink dearest! I'm hopping over to say good night and that I have EVERYTHING crossed for you to be feeling back to your SPUNKY self in NO time!
I've been SO uncomfortable today that I've been away from the computer since Robert arrived home from work and just cozied up on the sofa and watched DIAGNOSIS X (3 or 4 of them back-to-back) and some 20/20 and am now headed to bed hoping that tomorrow I will feel a bit more relieved!
I TRULY hope and pray that you find relief quickly as I know that has to simply be driving you bonkers. Are you STILL working? Watching grands? Poor babe - please take EXTRA special care with your SWEET self.
I'm TOO TIRED to figure out that brain thing above and will give it a go tomorrow possibly! I LOVE doing that kind of stuff!
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