Saturday, April 30, 2011

Project 365 Week 17

Another week of Florida beach vegetation. Sorry this time I don't know the names (except, of course, as noted).
Day 113

Day 114

Day 115

Day 116
Cone on a sand pine.

Day 117

Day 118
Indian Blanket

Day 119


~BridgetL~ said...

That indian blanket flower is really pretty. I wish I knew about flowers and plants. I guess I will just have to stop by here more often to check them out.

Lemon Stand said...

I've lived in Florida and didn't take the time to find out the names of the different plants... or birds. Now salt-water fish? Yup. Can name them. My kids? I mostly can name them... correctly... mostly. :)

Seriously? I love looking at your pictures. I really like the barn further down the page, but I think my favorite is the sand dune where the flowers are white. Hope you don't mind but that just became my computer screen background. I promise not to fold, spindle or mutilate. Promise.