Friday, December 04, 2009

Hi Ho Hi Ho

Fri 12/4 Blog Prompt: Did you hold down a job in high school? How would you describe the job and how you felt about it?

We were living in Guam for most of my high school years and I did a lot of babysitting. Can't complain as I was able to buy a lot of things that I really wanted. By the time we moved to Illinois for my senior year, I was spending a lot of time doing volunteer work. Especially for the POW/MIA organization. Didn't pay but was worth every minute I put into it.


Tammy said...

Well heck. Didn't even think about baby sitting as a job. Where I was from, the pay really was not very much. *LOL* And I usually babysat for doctors kids.

loonyhiker said...

I was never allowed to babysit. As the baby of the family, my parents felt I was too young, too irresponsible, etc. to do this.