In case you didn't know, today is the
Bug's birthday. It's hard to believe I have actually put up with her for 44 years. You're getting old sis. And I'm old enough that sticking your tongue out and saying I'm older doesn't bother me one bit, LOL.
This is the same child that dumped out an entire bottle of my perfume (it was a gift from a 1st grade class) on her head. Who would peek out her bedroom window when I was coming home from a date and say "I see you." Who thought you used golf balls to take out the overpopulation of squirrels and tennis balls to keep the human population to a minimum.
So dear sister, HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me, Pan, Bombshell, The Princess, Indy, Scamp, Honey, Ballerina and Nuke.
Color Revolution "Boldly Brown" ©Connie Prince; template by Cindy Gilchrist; Fonts: Paperclip, AvantGarde Bk BT