I found out I have type 2 diabetes. I was sooooooo furious. It runs in Pan's family, not mine. I eat well, very little sugar (okay I do like pasta). And who gets the diabetes.... ME. He ends up with a B12 problem, in that his body isn't absorbing it. Hopefully all those shots he has to take will clear that problem up soon. And all the pills I'm taking will clear mine up, right? LOL.
November was a month of getting ready for Christmas. Cleaning house, deciding if we were going to get a new tree or not (we did). And hanging pictures (see below). And then decorating. Only the inside though until we got back from our trip.
First week of December found us at the Royal Pacific Hotel at Universal Studios where Pan attended VS Live (or some such thing). Staying at a Universal hotel gave us access to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter an hour earlier than the general public and I took full advantage of it just about every day. (I missed one morning). We caught up with our nephew, T, and his wife, M, and spent the day of the 4th (which is Pan's birthday), at Universal and then to dinner at Jake's. Great fun, and it may turn out that M and I are distantly related. More genealogy research in my future, I see. More about our stay at Universal later (and pictures)
After we returned, it was definitely time to finish up the Christmas shopping. We had previously bought and sent Bomb a toshiba tablet to use in her PT classes, but the Princess kept hounding us about a laptop, so yeah, she got one. Indy came out with kinects for his x-boy and several games. Santa was good to all the kids this year. Nuke and his wife made it down. I was so excited to see them. Nuke had not been home for Christmas in about 5 years.
And I can't believe, I forgot to take my camera to my sister's house on Christmas day. All the pictures I got were from my phone. Arghhhh. I'll get them downloaded one of these days and posted.