Monday, September 03, 2007

Tribulations of Fashion

Mon 9/3 blog prompt: Fashion Woes. What, in your opinion, is your most embarassing fashion moment.

This prompt was actually inspired by something I read, that brought back in vivid technicolor, the worst fashion happenstance that one could ever imagine.

Might help to put you in a mindset of a 16 year old, well endowed young lady who loved high dive. Not so much after this incidence though.

Yep the young lady was no other than myself in a bikini. I dove and got out of the water just as I had done hundreds of times before. But this time I was really getting the once over. I really thought I was hot. And I was, but not because of the diving. Finally a friend brought it to my attention that my bikini top had come up and I was prancing around the pool with my melons out for just about the entire base of airmen to see.

As I was adjusting the top, I turned around and winked at all the guys then gathered up my belongings and headed home. Once out of sight, I ran. I was so mortified. Did I go back to the pool? Of course I did, there was not much more you could do on this base. I did quit the high dive though.

Template by Digitreats; Inspiration kit, (c) Summer Driggs


Anonymous said...

I knew there was a good reason why I never went near the diving board (apart from being a poor swimmer I mean). That has got to be every teenager's nightmare Tink.
I have had many fashion embarrassments. But I've managed to perfect the technique of blocking them out of my mind. it involved meditation and chocolate. Especially chocolate.

mom2triplets04 said...

I so can relate to this one. This has happened to me too as a teenager. Great job on your journaling and love your layout.

Glynis said...

LOL That's quite a story...I can just imagine how mortifying !

Jennifer Giuffre said...

OMG!!! How embarrassing! I can't imagine! At least you played it off. :)